Home Articles d'interès Publicacions nacionals Epidemiologia genètica d'EM

Genetic epidemiology of multiple sclerosis

Uría DF.

Servicio de Neurología. Hospital San Agustín. Avilés, Asturias, España. Aquesta adreça electrònica s'està protegint contra robots de correu brossa. Necessiteu que el JavaScript estigui habilitat per a mostrar-la


INTRODUCTION: Although multiple sclerosis (EM) has the characteristics of a disorder which is complex to study epidemiologically, many papers have been published on its genetic epidemiology, and these have given a great deal of information regarding the aetiological factors of the disorder.

METHOD: These epidemiological investigations have also studied the incidence and prevalence of EM in each zone, the different geographical distribution, its variation with immigration, relation to race and sex, the existence of possible epidemics or groups and its family aggregation. They have supported the environmental aetiological factor of EM, the geographical gradient of the frequency, possible epidemics or groups, changes with migrations and concordance in identical twins of less than 100%. However, arguments in favour of a genetic aetiological factor have been supported by racial differences in the frequency of this disorder, the existence of resistant ethnic groups in spite of the migrations and the increased concordance in monozygotic twins.

CONCLUSION: The results of studies on the genetic epidemiology of EM support the multifactorial nature of its aetiology, with a polygenic type of genetic susceptibility, although this alone does not justify the development of EM. Some environmental factor, as yet unknown, is necessary for the disease to develop in a genetically susceptible person. Molecular genetic studies are adding further knowledge about this genetic susceptibility, although the genes involved have not yet been conclusively identified because of the complexity of EM.

Rev Neurol. 2002 Nov 16-30;35(10):979-84.




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 Des del passat 20 de Març el Registre EPIDEMCAT permet introduir pacients prevalents, és a dir, aquells amb inici dels símptomes abans de 2009 per a les formes en brots i abans del 2006 per a les fomes d'inici progressiu. D'aquesta forma, el Registre serà complet i permetrà conèixer l'impacte global de la malaltia a Catalunya. Per a facilitar la identificació dels pacients, s'ha substituït la variable DNI pel CIP.

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